카테고리 없음

Alteon 4408 WebManagement 제거

파란별빛아래 2024. 2. 19. 11:54

4408 펌웨어 30버전 이후로 자동 생성되는 WebManagementCert key 가 자동생성된다

근데 이게 문구가 좀 길어서 /cfg/dump 쳤을 때, 컨피그가 깨져서 나온다


그럴 때 제거 방법이다.


>> Standalone ADC - Configuration# /c/slb/ssl/certs/key/del

Enter key id: WebManagementCert
Deletion of this key will also delete its certificate and request.

Error: Deletion of this key will also delete its associated certificate.
       Cannot delete certificate "WebManagementCert" as it is associated with HTTPS.
       If you still want to delete, first unbind the certificate from
       /cfg/sys/access/https/cert and try again.

-> 처음에 제거하려고 하면 https 내에 cert 부터 지우라고 한다.

>> Standalone ADC - HTTPS Server Access# /cfg/sys/access/https/cert
Current HTTPS server certificate for device management: WebManagementCert
Enter new HTTPS server certificate for device management or none:WebManagementCert

>> Standalone ADC - HTTPS Server Access# certdel
Certificate WebManagementCert is not associated SSL inspection
Certificate WebManagementCert is not associated to any SSL related Health Checks
Removal of WBM certificate completed successfully

-> https 들어가서 지워주도록 하자

>> Standalone ADC - HTTPS Server Access# /c/slb/ssl/certs/key/del

Enter key id: WebManagementCert
Key WebManagementCert deleted.

-> https 내에서 unbind 시켜주면 잘 지워진다


>> Standalone ADC - Certificate Repository# apply
Warning: You have a timezone configured so your NTP tzone config will be ignored.

Error: HTTPS server certificate or key for WBM access is not defined.
Error: Apply not done.  Use 'diff' to see pending changes,
       then use configuration menus to correct errors.

-> 막상 apply 하려고 하면 안되는데 

>> Standalone ADC - Certificate Repository# /c/sys/access/https/https d
Current HTTPS access: enabled
New HTTPS access:     disabled

-> https 가 열려있는데 cert가 없다는 경고라 https 쓸 거 아니면 아예 끄자


https 끄고 지우면 잘지워진다.
